Sunday, April 22, 2012

Turtles and the crazy plague.

The first birthday party supplies have been purchased for next month’s big day.  His theme is turtles for obvious reasons… slow and steady wins the race, baby.  I always tell him that.  This year has been tough- there is no reason to lie.  He’s been sick a lot, he missed most of his milestones and he has had more appointments than I can count, BUT guess who is almost all caught up??  Somebody is walking along furniture, eating all regular food and is even practicing standing alone.  That’s right.  Slow and steady, baby.  He’s my turtle.  Thank God.

Poor Girl.
Life at the Clark’s does not disappoint.  Always an adventure.  My entire family was so sick a couple weeks ago.  I swear it was the plague.  First Easton got sick.  Shocker.  He had a respiratory virus that ended up in pneumonia (or new activity in the upper lobes, whatever!) that lasted 12 days.  It was a joy.  He was at the doctor 5 times in two weeks, which was embarrassing, but I was OK with it because monitoring him outpatient is always better than inpatient.  I am a major Hurley fan but I think we have put our overnight time in there and honestly- I’m over it!  Easton finally got better and all was well.  For a day.  Next I get a sinus infection and strep throat.  So annoying.  Four days later, Paige gets a crazy case of croup.  We have had croup in this house a few times and let me tell you- this girl did it up right.  I’ve never heard such a scary sound coming from such a small girl. It sounded like her throat was closing off.  On top of that, she had a fever of 104 for about 10 hours that wouldn’t break on Motrin and Tylenol.  Off to ER we went because she was lethargic, not talking, eating or drinking.  Scaring her Mama!  Once we get in the car she started vomiting.  Those of you who know me, know this was not good.  I don’t do puke.  My kids do not puke.  This was the first time ever one of my kids puked and I have been a Mom almost 5 years.  This sounds terrible but I am calmer standing next to a baby on a ventilator than a kid that’s puking.  I can’t deal.  Ugh!  Anyways… We get to ER and she pukes up the medicine again.  Seriously, I almost fainted.  Thank God she had her Super Daddy there.  He was awesome.  Never left her side as her Mother was pacing around the hallway, drinking pop and eating sugar, trying not to keel over and end up in the bed next to her.  I was a wreck.  In my defense, the beeping machines, super sick child, and scary noises she was making were hitting a bit to close to home.  I’m usually a soldier at the hospital but I failed big time.  Poor Paigey.  Again, Thank God for my husband.  He is the hero.  I eventually got it together and cuddled my girl.  After some medicine, steroids, hydration and the 7 hours it took to get her fever down to 101, we went home.  Missed an entire nights sleep but went home! Paige still ran a fever for 4 days and then was better by Sunday night.  Next was Matt.  Sick as a dog.  Fever, coughing, chills.  Super sick and could hardly move for 3 days.  Monday morning rolls around and guess who has a temp of 103.9??? Carter!  Awesome.  I stay home from work to take care of everyone.  Things are manageable until later in the day, Paige spikes a fever of 103.  She was healthy for one day and then caught what the rest of the family had.  It was a joke.  I had to line my counters with paper tracking everyone’s temperature and what kind of medication they were given at what time.  It was an absolute train wreck.  Seriously, a disaster.  In the middle of this, I got sick again too.  At one point, everyone had a fever.  Are you exhausted reading this?  I am.  It’s over.  We survived and we are back in action.  Whew!
This child was on the couch for 6 days!

Team Easton Gives Back is right around the corner!  I’m so excited for this event.  Tons of hard work has gone into this and I just pray it is successful.  I’m looking forward to having so many people all in one room celebrating Easton and coming together to raise money for such an important cause.  I’m spending all my free time getting the final details in order and checking my mailbox for RSVP’s.  It’s like getting married all over again!

May is going to be busy, busy, busy for us.  My birthday, the benefit, Easton’s birthday and Carter’s birthday… and that’s just the big stuff!  Can’t wait!