The very next week was Easton's 1st birthday. We had a family party for him and he loved it. He always loves some attention and getting to have cake was an added bonus! He was so patient with his brother and sister as they tore through his presents for him. He was just kind of taking it all in and actually liked the presents better once the wrapping paper was off! This year has been a lot. Easton changed our whole world in more ways than we could have ever imagined. He is a constant reminder that I believe in miracles and that if he could survive what he went through... everything else is just cake:) I don't know how it happened but the morning that little boy turned one, he wasn't a baby anymore but instead a big boy ready to roll. He is walking everywhere and into everything. No more bottles, baby food, exersaucers, jumpers or swings! He is ready to keep up with his siblings and impressing me every step of the way. He really is my little turtle. Slow and Steady, baby. He may have been behind but he kept plugging along and look a him now. He is like a regular one year with a little less than average lungs but even those have to be improving... one would think! Easton is our last baby and I can't say that we are upset about it. Three kids in four years was a bold move. I wouldn't change it but its a crazy place and we are ready to coast for awhile. We always worried that we would never feel like we were done but surprisingly after this crazy year- we are certain! God picks these babies for us and even though I wasn't sure I was equipped to have a baby like Easton, I now know he was meant for me and I feel like he was a perfect fit for me. I love that boy and am so grateful to have celebrated the big ONE with him.
Carter's birthday is next week and he is going to be 5 years old! That's a big one. That just sounds so school-aged. He is off to Kindergarten in the fall. I'm sure I will be a basket case on that day. There is something about your first born. I don't like to say that we are practicing on him but in all honesty, I've never down this before. Everything I do as a parent- I try out on him first. He seems pretty old these days and self sufficient. It's nice that he can do things for himself but on the other hand, he is so big when he sits in my lap! I know that I am not a very big person and my kids will probably be bigger than me sooner rather than later but I intend to make sure they know who is boss no matter what! Carter also just came home from his 5 year old birthday trip to Florida with Mimi and Dado. He did great being away from home and had so much fun. I'm so proud of who he is becoming an am looking forward to his Pre-K graduation next week.
Paige is still Paige. That girl is Full. Of. It! She sure is cute but she has a mind of her own. You have to give her credit for sticking to her guns. She rarely does anything she doesn't want to do and she always knows exactly what she wants. I see her as a total heartbreaker one of these days. She keeps me on my toes like nobody else and there isn't another girl I'd rather have. She is funny, sassy, smart and as crazy as they come all in one blonde bundle. These brothers have nothing on her and she will not only keep up with them but probably run circles around them. Good luck boys!
Paige is still Paige. That girl is Full. Of. It! She sure is cute but she has a mind of her own. You have to give her credit for sticking to her guns. She rarely does anything she doesn't want to do and she always knows exactly what she wants. I see her as a total heartbreaker one of these days. She keeps me on my toes like nobody else and there isn't another girl I'd rather have. She is funny, sassy, smart and as crazy as they come all in one blonde bundle. These brothers have nothing on her and she will not only keep up with them but probably run circles around them. Good luck boys!
True story. |