Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Season!

I'm a warm weather girl.   I think its a safe bet that my current self diagnosis is that disease where you need sunlight to function.... I for sure have that.  I really do not function well in the cold.  I'm overly dramatic about my body temperature, I layer my clothing in inappropriate/ridiculous amounts and I am admittedly crabbier when I am cold.  I'm betting its fair to say that I'm much more fun in the summer.  I'm happier in a warm climate and I really feel it affects all aspects of my life.  Thankfully, I am headed to Florida soon.  Last year I made it to Florida three times in six months.  I'm making it a personal goal to beat that this year.  After all, A happy wife is a happy life:)

So... with this cold weather comes annoying cold illnesses.  For some reason, the Clark's have already been hit hard and its only November!  First off, Carter got really sick.  Like, missed 6 days of school kind of sick.  It started with just a cough and low grade fever and before I knew it he had strep throat and full blown pneumonia in his left lung.  We were totally taken aback.  Carter IS the healthiest kid I have.  How in the world he got pneumonia is beyond me.  Six school days and two full weekends later- he was back in business.  Thank the Lord!   Next, Paige got a horrible cold that left her poor nose looking like Rudolph and chapped beyond belief.  Poor girl already had two black eyes, one courtesy of the living room ottoman that also left a nice scar on her face and the other courtesy of a crazy two year old that lives in this house and thought it would be funny to chuck a ball directly at her face!  This poor beauty was looking a fright!  I was the next lucky one on Halloween.  Just in time for trick-or-treat, I spiked a fever of 102.5 and had to lay on the couch while my kids went door to door for candy.  Yes, I cried and felt like the worst Mom in America. Who can't pull it together to watch their kids trick-or-treat?  This girl!  I was a disaster and that awesome virus lasted about 5 days.  Easton and Matty are the soldiers thus far....

A little update on Easy E.  For those of you who follow Easton closely, you know that he has been off all inhalants and steroids (for the first time in his life) since the end of May.  He has totally been rockin' it.  No illness.  No wheezing.  Just acting like a normal human being... well besides his weird ear stuff that was more annoying than serious!  Anyways- A couple weeks ago he started having these coughing fits that were making it so he literally couldn't breathe.  His o2 was dropping to about 92-93 while it was happening and even to 88 if it happened during the night.  At first, I thought he was getting sick because it was right after Carter was sick but something was weird about it.  Easton wasn't sick.  No fever, not run down, no runny nose and completely normally active.  It was just these "fits" of coughing that were leaving him breathless and retracting.  The only thing that pulled him out of it was to sit him down and give him a couple puffs of his rescue inhaler.  After a couple days of this, the genius that I am, thought he was having Asthma Attacks- which is something he has never had.  Turns out, I was right.   See, we are used to Easton not breathing well as a whole, all of the time.  We have never experienced "attacks" with him.  In fact, we really thought he was better.  I'm not a doctor but I know my Easy so I don't tend to rush him to the doctor as quickly as others may think I should.  However, after three days of this, I knew I needed back up drugs that I didn't have access to.  I took him to his pediatrician who immediately prescribed oral steroids in addition to his rescue inhaler 4 times a day to pull him out of this.  She also ordered a chest xray to rule out pneumonia- and fortunately it was negative.  Here is the thing- when I caught a glimpse of his chest X-ray, my heart sank.  I've seen at least 50 chest xrays of this kid in his life and this wasn't pretty.  We were told that babies with PPHN were likely to be 'normal' by the time they were two or three years old.  Easy is two and a half and this chest x ray was not normal.  In fact, it was ugly.  Today we had our six month pulmonology appointment.  The end result wasn't exactly what we were looking for but I am bringing myself around to the fact that its OK.  We are back on all drugs.  A daily allergy/asthma pill, four puffs daily of a maintenance steroid inhaler, keeping rescue inhaler with us all the time and a ready oral steroid script at the pharmacy whenever needed.  At first thought, it felt like a landslide in the wrong direction.  Those drugs represent a daily reminder of what struggles Easton has fought in his two short years of life.  It makes me mad and sad all at once.  I don't want his body dependent on steroids or pills to function like his siblings do.  I want him to breathe on his own like a normal kid.  It breaks my heart that every time he runs or exerts any energy- he cant breathe.  Its sad to watch.  And it makes me angry. Easton is the PERFECT kid for his life.  He loves doctors, is not scared of hospitals and will take any meds you give him without a fight.  He is beyond compliant with anything medical- but he shouldn't have to be.  As his Mom, as proud of him as I am at all these appointments, I'm equally sad.  He shouldn't be that good.  He shouldn't be so used to doctors and hospitals and medications.  I have to catch myself in these thoughts and remember that his entire life is a miracle.  That I have absolutely no reason in the world to be angry because to be honest, I have no idea how I even have him.  I thank him every day of his life for fighting so hard to stay with us and I need to just be thankful for who he is, because he is perfect.  Inhalers and all.

Other than all that, the Clark's are busy!  The kids activities keep us moving all the time.  Football three times a week just ended but basketball picked up the following weekend.  The kids also have gymnastics once a week and Paige dances once a week.  It's just a constant wheel of chaos over here- and I like it that way.  It means that all is as it should be.  We are supposed to be crazy busy.  By having three kids in under four year, aren't you practically begging for that?  I think so.  

Here are a few pictures of our life as Clark, Party of Five!  Enjoy:)
Halloween Cookies
Carving Pumpkins
Typical Paige
Ultimate Humongosaur, LalaLoopsy, Lion


Sick, sick boy
Doctor Time

My Matty
Oetjens Bar

School Pics.  Cutest. Kids. Ever.



Recovery :)

Love this Boy
"Where is the snow?"
Family Fun Night @ Brendel

This was on my Instagram feed yesterday.  And, Its funny.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sometimes life if just...hard!

Sometimes life is just hard.  For the record, I know what real "hard" stuff is.  I've experienced loss.  I was in the room with my best friend as she watched her Mom pass away a couple months ago.  I've had a baby on the brink of death and watched him battle for life while being kept alive by machines. I get it.   But, that's not what this blog is about.  Its about all the other "hard" stuff.  The every day shenanigans in my life...because sometimes- those are hard too!  People love to talk about how awesome their life is.  So do I.  I also like to talk about how not awesome it is at times.  We are all human. We all have ups and downs.  Sometimes we are totally rockin' at this life and sometimes we just... suck at it.  I'm just keepin' it real.  I don't love my kids or husband any more or any less on any given day.  We are all just making our way.

I've talked before about the ebb and flow in life.  This whole concept is really the story of our lives.  Sometimes things are just moving along as it seems they should be and others its like you hit a wall and nothing is easy.  Dude, we are totally ebbing right now in the Clark house!  It's ridiculously annoying.  It literally seems like everything.is.hard.  Prepare for the rant. 

Adjusting from Summer into back to school and new schedules doesn't seem like it would be that hard. Wrong.  I forgot to take into account that my little 1st grader may have some feelings of his own about school and some insecurities I was unaware of.  I didn't plan on my heart breaking in two to hear he was actually scared to death to go to school.  Scared enough to send himself into a panicked tailspin each morning before getting out the door.

Then, there is work.  September is the busiest time for us.  Lots of new kids having difficult time starting   daycare.  Teachers in new positions.  Personalities in their new rooms working perfectly or having to be readjusted.  Lots of sickness with kids and staff.  Here is the deal, I realize that people think I have a cake job.  I work for my Mom, my kids get to go with me and have free preschool.  Not a huge deal if I have a sick kid or I am sick and can't make it.  All true.  Agreed.  BUT, it's not always cake.  It's not always easy.  I'm vested in that business because it is a family business.  If something isn't quite right, I stew on it.  I'm up at 3am trying to figure it out.   Work doesn't really stay at work when the business actually means something to you.  Not to mention the constantly changing variable of the scheduling. Trying to keep over 100 families and at least 25 staff members per day happy- not an easy task.  I like a plan.  I like to know what the day will hold.  At this job, you have to rework your plan a thousand  three or four or five times a day.  Staff calls in, kids don't show up, etc. etc. etc.  Sometimes... it's just a lot of work!

CrossFit.  Seriously, my fitness is a lot of work too!  The hardest part lately is just trying to get there.  I mean, seriously, half my battle is just pulling in the parking lot.   Between football three times a week, gymnastics once, working four days and spending time with my little kids on the fifth- its nearly impossible.  BUT, I GO!  I figure it out.  I get there.  Not always when I like to, but I do walk in that door 3-5 times a week.  Then, its hard when I get there.  This girl doesn't run.  Not fast, not slow, more like- not at all.  I'm finally to the point where I might have to work on that.  I feel like anything with 400m sprints in it and 5 rounds is totally killing my time!  Listen, I'm not trying to be the best in the gym, I'm certainly not trying to be a regional cross fit competitor but I do like to get a decent score each day.  I'm nowhere near the best but I'm certainly not the worst so I'll just keep paying my money for people to make me do crazy things that make me swear and sweat... and hopefully be tougher than yesterday!  Oh, and this trying to eat pretty clean so my stomach doesn't blow up is ridiculous.  I'm not even getting started on this topic.

Nobody sleeps in my house.  Nobody.  Except Paige... but we wake her every couple hours to go potty so actually, I think I wish she slept a little less so she could get herself up!  Easton stands at his door and yells for people to come get him because he's all done sleeping.  This happens about every 30 minutes for a two hour period of time in the middle of the night.  We ignore him but he usually wakes Carter up and then he can't get back to sleep.  Then he is always up for the day by 5:00ish.  Its awesome.  Carter too.  He likes to rise between 5:00 and 6:00.    Don't be so jealous.

There is more.  I could fill a whole book with the annoying things that are making my life seem hard.  But, I won't.  Let's just visit last weekend and then I'll be done.  I've been stressed. I wanted a relaxing weekend of trying to get this family back on track.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was a little sad.  I'm a person that can rise to the occassion.  I can handle life.  I usually got this.  But, every once in awhile, I'm exhausted.  Three little kids so close together is a lot.  Its a great life, but its a busy life and there isn't one thing easy about it.  So, I needed some down time.  I got to bed early Saturday night after a decent day of watching my son play football and having dinner with my in-laws.  Per usual, Easton was annoying in the night and yelling at us.  Carter couldn't sleep and came in my room 4 times needing different things.  I laid with him for awhile, I took Paige potty 3 times, I put Easton back in bed twice....all between 11 and 3.  So at 3:30 when Carter came in again, right before I was about to unleash on him for getting up again, he pats my arm and says in his sweetest voice, "Mom, this time I puked all over my bedroom floor.  For real.   All over it.  I was headed to the bathroom but it snuck up on me."  Freaking awesome.  Everyone is aware on how well I do puke.  I get out of bed for the 100th time of the night in which I just needed some rest and did indeed find puke all over his floor.  Obviously I went and woke up the Puke Master aka Matt and let him do the honor.  I also gave Matt the honor of sleeping with him because he is afterall just six and didn't want to be alone.  

This lovely event takes us into Sunday morning.  Still sleep deprived and now just a little more overwhelmed.  Its rainy.   I have a potentially sick kid who seems fine but did just puke so I'm totally boggled.  The day is long because we are cooped up with pukey and the rainy weather.  The kids are fighting nonstop and making me want to rip every piece of hair out of my head.  Did I mention that I'm still tired?  About 13 hours after the puke, Matt and I are sitting at the table.  Kids are in the living room supposedly watching TV.  I'm talking to Matt about how things feel harder than normal and then BOOOM!  This happens.

So, yeah.  Things got a bit dicier.  Apparently she was jumping on the couch and hit the corner of my soft, leather ottoman just right and popped that little spot on her cheek bone right open.  Clearly she needed something to close that thing up.  Off to Hurley.  We were able to get her glue instead of stitches to hopefully minimize the scar.  And, that completed my relaxing weekend:)

Here is the reality.  This is life.  Sometimes its easy.  Sometimes its hard.  These aren't the "real" hard things in life.  I can do those.  These are the annoying hard things in life.  The kind that make you tired and make your head want to pop off and make your pray for five quiet minutes.  But, they aren't tragedies.  This is life with three kids.  This is my life.  If I could change it- I wouldn't for anything in the universe.  There are far more rewards and sweet moments than anything else.  For example:  Yesterday I snuck out of work to do this:
My best girl.

Last night Carter asked me to take him to the movies.  I hate cartoons but I went anyway.  Thank God I did because that sweet boy wanted to sit on my lap the whole time.  Yes, I lost all feeling in my right leg and my foot may never regain its normal circulation but I know those days are numbered and I wasn't missing that moment.  
What a difference a year makes.

Easy is just Easy. He is funny.  Funniest kid ever.  It's not just me- people tell me this everyday.  He's annoying at night but he is hysterical.  I'll never forget how lucky I am to have him.  He completes the Clark, Party of Five, in a way we didn't know was possible.
Rerouting the parade.

Tonight, we are hopefully really getting a break.  Kids are off to stay with family and we are going to be alone.  We are going to sleep through the night.  We are going to eat a couple meals in peace.  

Tomorrow, we are back at it!  Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back To School

Parenting has a way of continually throwing you into unchartered territory.  You can never anticipate what each new age and stage will hold and how your role as a parent will change.  You have to be willing to bend.  You have to be willing to negotiate.  Most importantly, you have to be willing to learn as you go.  There are no books that can tell you exactly what your child will need from you each step of the way.  In fact, my three kids all have very different personalities and my parenting style is constantly changing with each child and each situation.  Back to school time brings all kinds of new challenges and emotions not to mention crazy schedules. 

First day of PreK!
 This year I decided to move Paige to our Holly Road location to do PreK.  It was a tough decision because she has developed some serious friendships with the girls she has been with since the infant room.  As bad as I felt taking her away from her current friends, I knew in my heart that Paige needed to be separate from me for a year before Kindergarten.  She needed her own environment and to stand on her own two feet without running down the hall to see me at my desk multiple times a day.  Its a blessing to be able to bring my kids to work with me but I learned after sending Carter to Kindergarten that it doesn't really provide them a sense of independence that other kids develop as they learn to navigate through their days without Mama being down the hall.  I wanted this challenge for her and...she is doing terrific!  She feels so special going to her new school all by herself and I'm so proud of her for being so brave.  This girl is going places:)

Carter is a big 1st Grader this year.  No longer the baby of the school.  He seems older, more mature.  I
still cannot believe how much he learned in Kindergarten last year and can't imagine what he will know by the end of this year.  Its exciting to watch him turn into a young boy.   If you don't remember last years debacle on the first day of school, click here.   Ya know, the one where he got BLUE on the first day of school for kicking someone and my head almost popped off from exasperation that he would really do that on his first day in the real world!!!  Yeah.... luckily that did not happen this year.  The first week of school was great.  Carter was happy to see his friends and liked his new teacher.  He says that all you do is work in 1st grade.  There is no free choice, toys or games.  That was a bit of a shock but he is beginning the acceptance phase so hopefully we will be well on our way.  Last years biggest problem was the behavior color chart.  His whole world revolved around what color he got.  If he got a bad color, he would lose privileges at home and if he got a good color, we would positively reinforce that behavior or earn rewards.  Towards the end of the year it was brutal.  We were like "Enough Already!," with the colors.  I happen to care quite a bit if he were to hit or push someone but I have to admit that I really don't care if he touched the projector while on the rug.  I'd like to care but I just don't.  He was five and they have grabby hands, what am I supposed to do?!  This year we have a new issue.  One that literally almost broke my heart in two.  Thursday of last week, Carter claimed he had a stomach ache right before leaving to get on the bus.  I didn't really believe him since he was totally normal all morning.  I sent him to school and told him to have his teacher call me if he didn't feel better. A few hours passed and I decided to call her and check on him, she said he was "Absolutely wonderful."  Not sick.  Hmm.  The reason this is so interesting is that he would never fake sick.  He actually tries to lie to me when he is sick and tell me he isn't because he HATES being sick.  He is kind of a germ-a-phob and the whole idea of sickness freaks him out.  Friday morning rolls around and he is fine all morning once again until its time to put his shoes on.  Sick again, he claims.  This time he is really selling me.  He is laying on the floor, rocking back and forth holding his stomach in tears about being sick.  We get all the way to the bus stop and I gave him a choice:  go to school or go to bed.  There will be no playing, no TV watching, no hanging out with Mom.  School or bed.  He chose bed.  Interesting...  We get back home, I call in to work and get him into bed.  He is really upset about how "sick" he feels.  He sleeps for an hour and a half and then miraculously feels better.  Good enough to watch TV but not good enough for school.  As his Mother, my wheels are turning.  I'm thinking about how he has been sleep walking again since the second day of school when he didn't do it all summer long.  I'm thinking that I can see a fear in his eye when he needs to grab his book bag in the morning.  Something is up and I just can't put my finger on it.  I strike a deal with him.  I say he can watch one show and then he is going to school because we do not skip school.  I reassure him I am not mad at him and that I think he was tired and now that he has had a nap- he will be just fine.  I timed taking him into school when I knew he would be getting ready for recess so I could steal a second with his teacher.  She already knew from my phone call the previous day that he allegedly wasn't feeling well and now she is aware we have had a miraculous recovery for the second day in a row.  I also clued her in that he isn't resting well since he is up before 6am everyday and sleeping walking several times a week.  She said she was going to pay close attention to him but assured me he was fine while he was there.  I could tell just by looking at her that she would figure this out.  I could tell she cared.  I left that afternoon with confidence in this woman to take care of my boy.  About 3 hours later, I got the phone call that broke my heart.  She said that she did a survey in the classroom about how everyone was feeling about 1st grade and she got back 24 papers that said "Excited or Happy" and one little guys paper said "Scared."  You can guess who that was.  I was so sad for him.  Why is my kid the only one scared?  I knew he was anxious and was praying he wasn't cursed with the Matlock anxiety gene.  I was crushed. She went on to say that they did a partner activity that afternoon and she chose Carter to be her partner so she could have a chance to talk with him.  He told her that he was scared of 1st grade because he didn't want her to flip his card.  (This is another behavior based color system.  This poor child is scarred from last year!)   She assured him that she would always give him a warning and a chance to correct his behavior before flipping a card and he seemed to feel better about that.  I also think it was beneficial for him to have a little one on one time with her just to get to know her a little better.  I am feeling so grateful that he has this particular teacher that really cares and took the time to figure out the issue, address it and help my little guy feel more secure in his new surrounding.   

The point to this story is that this is what I mean about parenting being so challenging.  Was I wrong last year to reinforce the negative colors once he got home.  It didn't seem right to take him out for ice cream if he gave his teacher a run for it during the day.  Where is the balance?  How do I know how to react?  When is it too much?  When is it not enough?  How do I lead him in the right direction without being too strict or too lenient?  This is what I do know... that I won't ever have the answers.  That I am doing the best I can.  My plan is to make sure he understands what unconditional love is.  I want him to know that I will love him more than anything in this world no matter what he does.   I want him to make good choices, I want him to be polite, I want him do the right thing, BUT, I will love him even when he doesn't.   Sheesh, he is only six!  I can only imagine what is next!  Live and learn, my friends.  And try not to screw up our kids too badly along the way.

And, Easton.  What is a blog without a little Easy update?  He is doing great!  He has been going to "school" three days a week and learning so much.  He is constantly singing songs and cracking us up with all of the off the wall stuff he says.  He.is.crazy.  Like, really crazy.  I'm not sure if he got a little too much oxygen after his crazy birth or what but he is vibrant.  He is happy, he is wild and he is the biggest miracle I have ever witnessed.  He has been off all steroids and inhalers since June 1st.  We are just getting into respiratory season and I am anxious to see how he responds.  I'm prepared to bring all of the drugs back into his life for these winter months but what  a cool surprise it would be if he didn't have to!  This is his first year without the RSV prevention shot because he is too old to qualify for it.  My biggest fear is that nasty virus will take him down but I have faith those little lungs have to be in better shape than last time he had it.  Our fingers are crossed for an uneventful winter!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fitness First

Fitness First.  This is my motto.  I say it multiple times a day, mostly to eye-rolling people.  It's become predictable.  The moment someone begins to utter an excuse of not exercising- I blurt it out.  I can't help it, it just escapes my mouth without thought!  Here is why:  I have three kids, a husband and a job.  I'm not superwoman so if I can find time to workout 4-5 times a week, so can you.  Its never convenient, its never what I want to do with an hour of alone time and its not always a great time- but I go.  Consistently.  If I absolutely cannot make it, I'll workout in my garage.  Oh, you don't have a garage gym?  I didn't either a few months back in which case I did workouts in my living room (think AMRAPS of body weight movements.)  Here is the thing, its just not cool to be unhealthy anymore.  Maybe it never was but these days its flat out unacceptable.  People think its sooo hard to be fit.  No, it really isn't.  Stop smoking, stop eating fast food, try not to eat everything out of a box, get off your couch and don't drink too much alcohol...and if you do choose wisely.  I don't understand why this is so complicated.  People lack motivation.  I get that but the good news is if you force yourself to suffer through the first couple weeks- it will become a habit. 

 I'm preaching this like crazy lately because I cannot believe how much diet and exercise have changed my life.  A few months back I was getting really sick.  It was happening once or twice a month where I would have an "attack" and was violently ill for several hours.  This would result in a 5-6 pound weight loss followed by 3 days in bed where I could barely sit up.  I wasn't able to take care of my kids, I wasn't able to go to work and I couldn't even think about working out.  It went from being annoying to inconvenient to flat out devastating after 7 months.  After 7 months I decided to see a doctor which led to a specialist which led to thousands of dollars of testing followed by an ER visit and a ridiculous amount of pills.  I was willing to do anything to get to the bottom of what was happening to my 32 year old body.  I felt like I was dying... that might be dramatic.  Let me try again.  I felt like my body was deteriorating quickly and I had no control over it.  It was legitimately frightening to me.  I never knew when it would happen and I never had any warning.  Oh, and the diagnosis... I'm perfectly healthy with probable IBS.   Basically, I'm fine.  Really???  Doesn't seem like it to me!

Sidenote:  For most of you who read this- you all think/know I am a little weird about food.  I've come a long way, won a 13 year uphill battle and have finally settled into a perfect balance in my life.  For me.  

People think I have always been a super healthy eater which totally makes me laugh.  I guess if you call drinking Slurpee's, eating low fat chips ahoy cookies, weight watcher brownies, having subway 4 days a week for lunch and Leo's the other three days healthy- then yes, I was super healthy!   I hate vegetables, love bread and cereal like nobodys business and wouldn't have even have believed a spaghetti squash was real a few months ago.  Enter crazy cross fitter , Jen Tulpa.  After all of the medical testing, continuing to take 3-9 pills a day and still feeling and looking like I might fall over at any given second I phoned a friend.  I figured I had to figure this out on my own.  Jen agreed to meet with me and try to help.   Jen is a personal trainer, cross fit coach and regional competitor cross fitter.  She is a badass and she knows her stuff.  I sat down with her, gave her the low down and she very simply said, "It's your diet.  Give me two weeks."  She handed me a packet with the Zone Diet and told me to follow it.  Religiously.  She also told me to not fight against my body and to only workout on certain days when endurance wasn't too high.  My focus was to be primarily strength training and perfect nutrition.  She also told me that if I didn't listen to her- she would fire me and that she meant that in the most loving way.  Apparently, shes read a book from my past somewhere!  One of my strengths as a human is that if I want to do something bad enough- I can do it.  I'm a determined little person and I can make just about anything happen.  She looks like she knows what she is talking about and I decided to give it a shot.   So... I zoned.  Perfectly.  I held back on the gym which killed me and I did things that made me uncomfortable.  In  48 hours- I felt like a new person.  I had energy.  I didn't crave a nap the entire time I was awake.  I lifted heavier weights than I had in months.  And, I was happy.  I felt good.  I felt like me.  I was a better Mom, a better wife, and way more fun to be around.    All of this changed because of food.  I am still flabbergasted by the very thought  that food has that much power.  I have never believed it my entire life. Until I tried it.  I am a believer.  

I've restored most of the weight loss from the repeated illnesses, I've not only restored but increased my strength and my endurance is better than its ever been in my whole life.  Do I still zone?  Yes, kinda.  I'm zone-ish.  I don't measure anything anymore and I have more days where I will have things off the naughty list but I'm pretty good.  I pack my lunch every day, I eat a big breakfast and I am a spaghetti squash lovin' healthy girl that even loves pepper and onions when cooked just right.  I'm getting there.  I am miles from where I was and I have many more to travel but I'm better than yesterday.  Yes, I still drink diet coke.  You can't win 'em all.  I'll tackle that hurdle....when my kids are older!

So.  When I say Fitness First, please know that all I want for anyone in my life is a healthy lifestyle.  I don't care if you run, Cross Fit, lift weights, jazzercise, mountain bike, whatever.  Just. Do. Something. Eat better.  Spend all the money you usually spend at restaurants on food you prepare in your own home.  Pack lunches at night.  Buy cool Tupperware.  Plan ahead.  Make a schedule.  I promise you this- life just works better when you feel better.  You feel better when you are better.  Eat well and be active.  You won't regret it.  It's not that hard!

Fitness First!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This is it.

My whole life I have always dreamed about what life would be like when I was a wife and Mother.  Where I would live, what I would look like, who I would marry, what my kids names would be and how many I would have.  Literally, my whole life was spent thinking about this.  It was always my main focus of what I needed out of life.

This.  Is.  It.

Today I woke up and folded laundry, fed three kids breakfast, broke up some arguments, handed out vitamins, dressed them all, brushed hair and teeth and headed out.  We first stopped at the store because I needed to run in real quick to get five things.  Real quick and three kids... that's super funny.  Easton is riding in the cart and about 500 ft into the store he drops his sucker and then cries for the rest of the trip because I am not a nice Mama and wouldn't give him the sucker back off the Walmart floor.  Carter and Paige are giggling about who knows what and a little louder than they should be.  All was fun and games until Carter tripped Paige and her hot pink flip flop went flying down the aisle.  Now she is crying which makes two kids... so that's cool.  One out of three managed to make the 15 minute trip through the store without tears- we call that a success!  Better than losing them all.  As I am motoring my way towards the door I kept noticing people smile at me.  I would smile back as I tried to calmly keep on truckin' regardless of the scene we were making.  This is when it occurred to me that- this is it.  

Always mismatches jammies!

Scary combination

This very moment is what I dreamed about my whole life.  I always wondered what it would be like and I am right in the throws of it.  And, its really, really awesome despite the daily chaos.  Its so easy to get caught up in how hard things are or how busy we are and managing everyones activities and praying everyone is healthy, etc.  But, this is what its all about.  In just a few years I know I am going to miss this.  I am going to miss the little face that says, "I need a potty.  Now!," or "Can you just do one pony tail today," or "Will you rub my arm, Mama?"  Its going to be gone in a flash.  Having a 2, 4 and 6 year old really feels like I am in the middle of the most important time in my life.  The level of responsibility I have to shape and help grow these little humans is kinda scary.  I am confident about one thing- I can totally do this.  I will make mistakes, I will yell when I shouldn't and I will make them mad, but I can and I do love them so much that nothing else really matters.  

Everybody that you run into has a lot going on in their life.  Its just how things roll.  Life is complicated and twisted and always has hills and valleys.  I'm trying really hard to stay in the moment.  To memorize their faces at this age.  To remember what they say.  That is the whole purpose of this blog.  I need to reread stories about poop in my car and craziness at Walmart because it really is the best time of my life...even if it doesn't look that way.  

We all know I am not the one to say that having three little kids is all butterflies and unicorns because that's just a lie.  However, in the big picture that's how I want to think about it.  I want to create memories that last forever and as excited as I am to have a little more freedom to do things with my husband- I don't want them to grow up either.  It's a good thing I can't control time because I would be so confused trying to decide if I should speed it up or slow it down.

This life is a blessing.  My little family of five has made my whole world complete.  They give me purpose.  They teach me lessons.  Parenting is a gift, lets not forget that.
We got this.

Play Ball

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Adventures In Parenting, Clark Style

The Clark Babes are growing up.  We have been so busy the last 6 years!   Some may think that is sad.  Not me, I think its cool!  I think it means that these cute little babes are growing and thriving and it also means that Matt and I are doing something right.  Woo-hoo!  You know it has to be an interesting ride for these kids when you have parents like this:

"I want my diapers!"
"haha, I just peed on your floor."
We are in the midst of our final, most dreadful parenting feat thus far... Potty Training.  One. More. Kid.  "We think we can, we think we can, we think we can."  More than likely- we can't.  We suck at this part.  Its so annoying and gross.  And, Easton is being especially irritating about it.  I find it so amazing that he can go to daycare for an entire day and have no accidents yet he can't seem to make it 5 minutes without one at home.  He is torturing us and he's enjoying watching us suffer.  You know how I know?  Because, he laughs in our faces!  Jerk.  Oh, and he pooped in my car and then ran around the inside while I was cleaning the outside- and smeared poop everywhere.  I wish I was kidding.  Have no fear, we will prevail.  Hopefully before he is nine.
Yup, that is poop IN my car.

Carter  is going to be in 1st grade!  While I cannot believe he is that old, he is still having trouble believing he hasn't lost a tooth yet!  I keep telling him to be thankful because once those puppies start falling out we will be entering that awkward stage... and he is sooo cute now!  He's also so sweet.  He loves his Mama and I just pray that he always looks at me like he does today.  Carter is a good boy and he really does amaze me with what he is capable of in just 6 short years that he's been alive!

Paige Ruby.  Where does one begin to talk about that girl?  She's a little dynamo.  That girl has some fire in her and I have no idea where she got it.  She is a force to be reckoned with and I'm willing to bet that this girl propels herself into something really awesome one day.  She is going to day camp tomorrow and its been on her bucket list for a year.  I really hope its as cool as it is in her head!  She's not even a little scared to head off without me tomorrow.  Despite her craziness, I'm so happy I get to be her Mom.  I like her style and I'm pretty sure I've met my match in that girl!

Life sure is busy, but I certainly love the ones I'm with.

Sometimes he still snuggles me.

Team Deadlift  

He lets her dress him up daily.  Poor kid.

Daddy's Baby G

MR. Doc McStuffins
Birthday lunch for Daddy