We are home. All of us. Clark, Party of Five is under one roof. Thank you, God. Easton was discharged on his actual due date after four long, agonizing weeks. We couldn't be happier to have him home. He is doing really well. He is eating great and his breathing has improved tremendously. He is still a tiny guy weighing 7lbs at 5 weeks but I have a feeling that will change in no time at all. We have scheduled his baptism on his Daddy's Birthday so it should be a great day all around.
Birthday Girl
Big Brother |
A little bare butt and a lot of screaming:) |
Three kids under four. Sounded like a good idea at the time...and it still is! It is madness! We have only been doing it for a week and it is an adventure. I actually like the challenge of parenthood. I like to own the responsibility and figure it out. Its not something you can plan. There are no time tables and schedules are a joke. We eat breakfast in the morning, nap after lunch, dinner when Matt gets home from work, bed before 10:00 if we are lucky. It doesn't get more specific than that. I am all about loose planning right now. Carter is four and so grown up all of a sudden. He is so cute and sooo in love with his baby brother. Paige Ruby just had her 2nd birthday and she is as sassy as she is cute! Easton is finding his spot in this clan. He likes to holler at us often but I personally think he is just trying to show off his improved lung function so I am perfectly OK with it.
Right now we are a little confined to our house. Easton is starting to improve but has a hard time breathing fabulously in the car seat if in it for too long. (Can I just add that if you all remember correctly I was confined to the house for 105 days on bed rest and now I'm stuck again. Am I really that dangerous to society if left out of my house? I'm beginning to wonder if I am supposed to be getting a hint here!) Anyways, we are so looking forward to summer. It was a long winter with Mama in bed and besides it was super cold so not much fun for the kids. We would love to go up north for the 4th of July and I keep asking Easton if he thinks he will be able to get it together by then so we can go. He is undecided at this point but I will keep on him. I believe he will rally. I mean, this kid rocks. I have the rest of the summer off for my official maternity leave (even though I haven't worked all year, Thanks Mom!) and am looking forward to watching Carter race around on his scooter, Paigey ride her new princess bike, Easton sleeping in my arms, and some awesome neighbors to take it all in with. Let's talk about these neighbors. They couldn't be any more awesome if they tried. This whole experience from pregnancy to NICU, they have supported us in every way possible. They visited us, made us meals, plowed our driveway, let our dog out, had a shower for me, bought gifts, prayed and loved us thru it all. And to think, we only met a year ago. I was drawn to this street when we were looking for a house. I had to live here. Now I know why.
Neighbors chalking a Welcome Home sign. |
Neighbor kids and the finished product.
So that's it. I think I am going to leave this post as is. It's pretty uneventful and normal. Nothing scary, no drama. Just life. I like it. We have newborn pictures for Easton this weekend and a Minnie Mouse party for our two year old. I'll be sure to post pictures next week. Thanks again for all of your prayers and continued support. We are forever grateful.
Whatever happens, keep my paci in my mouth. Please. |
Reading books. Yes, I know Paige is wearing
mismatched boy pajamas. She wanted to.
I'm trying REALLY hard to be OK with it;) |
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