Oh. Em. Gee.
Whoa. Its been more than a little while since I have found my way to this screen. Man, I have been buuussssyyy! Like, really busy. Not the kind of busy when you think you have a lot to do. I'm talking crazy, insane, not enough hours in the day busy. It all started a little like this…
One ordinary day near the end of June, I got a little bored. I'm really wishing I remember what that actually feels like but… Anyway, I found myself stumbling upon the forbidden app: Realtor.com. Realtor.com should be illegal if you don't need a new home. You should have to pay high fees to have access to all the homes that you think you should have but do not need. It's like crack to me. I get on there and I like to set my price limit way out of my range just so I can see what is available for me to try and convince my husband to "need" as well. I get addicted real quick. I should probably note that my house was not even for sale at this point. As I am doing my daily search, I find this beautiful, large brick ranch sitting on 3 acres that just so happens to be in the school district of my choice and not too far from Grand Blanc. I do a little drive by and decide this could work. I go home and set my plan into motion. I somehow slip this ideal home into a dinner conversation with poor Matty and entice him with pictures. I can tell his interest is peaked but he gently loudly reminds me that we agreed not to move after I conned him into a $17,000 decorating upgrade just 6 months ago:) SHOOT! Forgot about that. Anyways, I contact the realtor because I need to see this baby for myself. Imagine my surprise when Matt says he will just "look" at it with me! You see, I am a smart woman. I know that Matt has always wanted a ranch and I know he wanted a little land not inside a subdivision. I played my cards just right. After we walk through it and know we need it, Matt finally asks how much it was. SHOOT, AGAIN! I might have forgot that I like to set the price above what we should really do. One thing leads to another. I continue to profess my love for the home and an offer is made. An offer is countered. Another off is made. Another offer is countered and waala, I get to sign a purchase agreement. Oh, but wait. We are in Las Vegas and the offer expires in 24hrs. Perfect. Don't worry, I would love to remove myself from the Holy Sun Gods I was worshipping to spend $75 printing and emailing from the MGM Hotel. Don't worry I did it and next thing you know, I have a new home! SHOOT, FOR THE THIRD TIME! I already have a house! Next, we go absolutely crazy cleaning our house out. Basically having a Facebook firesale one random day that was actually hysterically funny to watch. I had no idea that all my hoarding would eventually become so amusing! Then the real tragedy began. Have you ever tried to have your house "show ready" with 3 kids living in it? I mean, is this even humanly possible? I tried my best but, holy sh*t, that is no joke! A lot of drama, a lot of tears and a lot of nervous breakdowns (mainly on my part) and the house got an offer! Oh, wait! Did I mention that I was planning the 3rd annual Team Easton Gives Back Benefit in the middle of this? Because, I was. So the day the offer comes in went a little something like this. We were having a fundraiser for the benefit at FroYo nation from 4-8. Offer comes in and is agreed upon at 2:30. Purchase agreement was signed electronically from our phones in the middle of Froyo Nation in between talking to all the people that came out to see us. That offer came exactly one week before the benefit and with the contingency that we were out in 2 weeks. Awesome. No big deal. Sure thing, this family of 5 can somehow move all of their stuff out of a house they have been in for 5 years without a single box or movers and have that place spic and span for you. Just let me stop by Warwick and raise a quick $30,000 for a good cause while I am at it. Like I said, Oh. Em. Gee. Guess what folks? We did it! It wasn't pretty and I wasn't happy but it is done. My house is BEAUTIFUL. My kids are thriving in a new school district. I'm still working. Matt is still dealing with me. All is well. Here are a few pics of life with the Clarks:

Our New Home. <3 |
First Day! |
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