Just Keep Swimming…
The adventures continue over here at the Clark House. My dearest friend always tells me, “Go big or
go home,” and Lord knows, I’d hate to let her down.
Naturally, Easton is the one to stir the pot the most but
allow me to just try to paint a picture of the last three weeks here!

About a week later, the wind blew in Goodrich and knocked
our power out. For more than 2
days. We were incredibly lucky to be one
of only twenty five houses in the area to lose power. Naturally, Matt had purchased $300 worth of
groceries only hours earlier. I don’t
know about you but I do not like to put away my groceries when I buy them but
loading them into coolers and then to my parents house and then back to my
house- was extremely fun. Oh, and we
live with Easton who is petrified of almost everything and no lights was no fun
for this little guy! We finally did
borrow a generator and Matt may or may not have burned a permanent scar into
the side of his leg!
The power comes back on at 12:30AM on August 16. At approximately 12:45AM, Easton wakes up
crying and holding his head with the worst headache ever and a fever. Awesome.
We give him some Motrin and don’t think much of it. The next morning he is not right. Super lethargic, 104 temp, and just not
coming out of it. Matt had plans for the
day so I sent him on his way but just started to get a bad feeling about
Easton. He always gets “really” sick
when he gets sick but I just didn’t like what I was seeing. Eventually around dinner time, I asked Matt
to come home and bring me some Pedialite because I didn’t even think I could
put him in my car. The temps continued
to spike through the night but I had to switch focus quickly because at 7am the
next morning, Carter was having Oral Surgery where they were using IV sedation
while extracting four teeth and clipping his tongue tie. Matt was supposed to go with me because I
hate seeing my kids under sedation but when your other kid has to steal
every ones thunder and be 104.3 the morning of surgery- you gotta go alone! Carter ended up doing great, just took awhile
for the Anesthesia to wear off because he is so little and probably felt the
need to freak me out just a little bit.

Watching the team diagnose Easton was so interesting. We were dealing with an Infectious Disease
Doctor who was really on top of his game.
He checked for everything. It was
so frustrating to watch everything come back negative when clearly something,
somewhere was positive. It felt like so
much time was passing and nothing was happening except the fevers were getting
higher and harder to break. Having a
sick baby is so hard. But, having a sick
child is worse! This was the first time
Easton was old enough to fight back. He
didn’t want to be poked, or swabbed or “shotted.” He was terrified and in pain and begging and
pleading for people to “quit hurting me pretty please! I’m a good boy!” It was heartbreaking. It was a desperate feeling for me because I
had to allow people to do things to him and even help in most processes and he
is not old enough to understand why I can’t save him. It’s a very different experience to deal with
a sick baby versus child. I wish I
didn’t know.
Easton was admitted on Monday. On Wednesday, a culture came back positive
for Adnovirus. He was already on three
IV antibiotics and an Antiviral medication.
With this result- they stopped all antibiotics. Matt looked and me as soon as we were told
about the virus and said, “that’s not it.”
Yes, the culture was positive.
Yes, he had Adnovirus but as parents- we knew that wasn’t it. The gut feeling said there was more. In true Easton style, 30 minutes after
stopping all Antibiotics, his ear ruptured a very disturbing substance. It took about 5 minutes to culture that and
re-start all antibiotics. It was the
missing link. The pain in his neck was
actually right below his ear… but still his neck. He is a very dialed in four year old. He never wavered from his stance on pain and
complaints.He knew where the problem
was the whole time. It just took the
rest of us awhile to find it… but he knew.
This rupture was exactly what we needed to be able to finally help
him. A CT scan was ordered that showed
infection in the bone and the culture was positive for Staph. Boom.
An answer. That’s all we needed
to get this boy better. He was such a
champ. He was really weak and in a lot
of pain most of the time but once that final fever broke- he was ready to play some
basketball and he never looked back.
That was it. Like nothing ever
happened. He’s not bitter, or mad or even upset about it. He just rolls with it and he is the strongest
most tolerant human being alive. This, I
know for sure.

Easton has had two staph infections, 5 stomach flus, infectious
mononucleosis and a bone infection as well as countless ear infections in the
last 5 months. We had a full blood panel
drawn by an Immunologist on Thursday and are just waiting on those
results. It’s a journey with this
kid. There are so many things in life I
doubt. I worry constantly about my
ability to do certain things or decisions I make but there is one thing this
last episode taught me… I can do Easton.
From day one, I promised him that if he survived, I would do anything
for him. Sometimes I get overwhelmed but
I really do have him. No matter where he
takes us- I got him. He was made for
I also cannot fail to mention the incredible care we received. No, its not because I am a Board Member. Nobody even knows that. From everyone in ER to all of his doctors, nurses and residents- we were blown away. The nurses were so loving and patient and kind. They helped me care for him when I wasn't sure I was doing ok and then they listened to me when I had a gut feeling or needed help. The Child Life Specialists were like magicians. They literally showed up every time something was about to go down and we needed help. It was the best care I could have imagined. I still do love Hurley. Here is what happens though- they all take great care of you and then your child is better and you go home. So…. you say, "Thanks??" That word is not enough. Its not enough for picking up my sick boy and caring him to his bed from the stretcher because he was too weak to walk- even though she had no idea what disease he had. It is not enough for the nurses that helped me change his bed 12 times a day or held the bucket when I couldn't. Or for the Dr. who got paged every time that fever spiked over 104 and came back in to re-examine him to try and find the missing link. Or for the child life specialists' who have the best distract tactics in the world when scary things are coming. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude. There really are no words.
Oh, and Facebook. Facebook is an entertaining social media outlet. I enjoy seeing what people are up to. However, when it comes to Easton there is a major following. It started back in the NICU days when it seemed the easiest way to update. I swear we feel the love and prayers from people near and far and they work. The support system we have as a family is unlike anything I ever dreamed. I personally read every single post and appreciate all calls, texts, visits and voicemails. We need you and you never let us down. Thank you, Team Easton!
As of today, we are all good again! One week left of summer and we are waiting
for the madness of new school schedules to kick in. Paige has Dance Team and Cheerleading. Carter has football and Easton has soccer. As much as I like summer- I do love a little
structure. The Clarks are like a hot
mess these days. We need a routine to
get our booties back in line.
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One. Of . A. Kind. |
Until next time, we will just keep swimming!
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