Its 5:30AM on a Saturday.
I don’t have to leave my house until 8:45AM but I’m up. Earlier this week I got up at 3:30AM one day
and 4:00AM a couple others so today must be my lucky day. I slept in.
Lately, I’m always awake. I’m
awake fifty times a night. I’m awake all
day. I literally spend very little times
with these eyes closed. I have
anxiety. Always have. Comes and goes. These days, I’ve got so much that I am
convinced an entire bottle of Xanax would have no fighting chance at it. It sucks, its not fun, my heart feels like
its beating outside my body but there are days where you really do have to dig
deep and rise up. You know, embrace the
struggle. I’ve not seen my husband in
two days. He is here while we sleep but
he is coming home after the kids and I are in bed and leaving before we are
up. I get it- it is his busy time of the
year for work. I know he is working for
us and I’m doing my best by just trying to keep my mouth shut (which if you
know me- is no easy task) and take care of these little humans that need me to…
with or without sleep. Here is why, I’ve
learned that they could care less if I’m tired or anxious. They still want help with things and to eat
and to fight with each other and to have someone say their prayers and to
complain and to eat again and to fight again and well, you get it. They need me, no matter what. Lets be clear, I said I’m trying. I’ll tell you about Monday. It went like this. I was up all night. I went to get out of bed and get my kids ready
for their days and I was in a zombie like mode.
They wouldn’t listen. They
literally acted like I wasn’t even speaking. I had a headache too. So, I went a little bat shit crazy on
them. I yelled at them. I slammed doors. I cried in my closet. I made Matt “handle this shit” and be late
to work. It was really awesome. One of my finer moments in life. I decided I hated them all and that they
could just figure this whole morning- do a million things and don’t miss the
bus- thing out on their own. Yeah, it was
ugly. Once I heard the door chimes
signaling the coast was clear and they were all gone, I emerged from my closet
to land in my bed where I stayed for three hours…even though I was supposed to
be at work. That was it. I had a limit for functioning as a human and
I had hit it. I gave myself a
break. For three whole hours. I stared at the wall, I closed my eyes, I
felt sorry for myself and then I got up.
I dried the tears, put on some clothes and went into work. I spent a couple of hours doing the things I
needed to do there and then I hit the gym for a workout so intense that I could
focus on nothing but that and trying not to die. As soon as I survived that, I ran off to pick up my kids. I bought them a pizza for dinner as a peace
offering for my behavior in the morning and took them to FroYo for desert. But, here is the thing. They weren’t even mad. Kids are so forgiving. They didn’t mention one single word about me
flipping out. They got off that bus
pumped that there was pizza in the car and told me all about their days. We should all be more like that. Nobody is perfect and they teach me so many
lessons. They loved me the same at
4:30PM that day as they did that morning and every other day. They are loving and accepting. They are who we should all be.
I’m not proud of that story.
I didn’t write that story because I think any part of it is
awesome. I wrote it because its
real. I wrote it because you don’t see
many of these stories on Instagram and Facebook. I wrote it because I think so many people are
over scheduled with work and kids activities and social obligations and
everything else and we all feel like we just can’t hang on some days. Maybe, a lot of days. But, rest assured that many of us are hanging
on to a rapidly fraying rope as well so you are not alone. And, if nobody else will admit this to you- I
will. My rope is a frayin’ but Lord
knows I got a tight grip. As my
favorite blogger, Glennon Melton says, “We can do hard things.” And, sometimes just getting through the day
is a hard thing!
Its not all bad. Life
is pretty good too. There is a
balance. I talk about the ebb and
flow. I seem to ebb a lot, but I flow
too. In the end, we have to look for the
good. Here are a few good things that
have been going on with the ones that teach me all about life.

Easton. Man, this kid
is so much work. He is always in
trouble. They told me in the NICU that
these little miracles are always a lot of work.
I should have prepared myself a little better. Those people don’t lie. However, he is the funny one of our
group. He says the funniest things. He is beyond cute and he likes to be a
little different himself. Since October
1, he has been adamant that he has to have a big white pumpkin. Not orange

friends, white. Asked him why, he said “because.” Good enough. He now has two pumpkins…. A big white pumpkin and little orange one to carve:) The leaves are changing and we have this really bright yellow tree across the street. Earlier this week, Easton was walking out to the car and said “Hey dad, see that tree? Jesus lit it up.” Duh. I’m telling you- this kid knows things. You should all try to buddy up to this one. He’s got connections and he is gonna keep us all safe!

Yesterday I got into a 20 min long wrestling match with a
barbell that weighed the same as me. I
managed to lift it, squat it, throw it over my head, and swear at it 141 times in that 20 minutes. Now, that was a good time. <3
Also, I have hot pink nails that make me smile and its almost an
acceptable time for me to start bolting to Florida once a month.
Life is hard. Its
always gonna be. Just gotta look for
that silver lining some days.
Have a great day and remember: the struggle is real! Hang in there!
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